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    Electronic Devices Training Complete

    Members of Pond Hill-Lily Lake successfully completed their in house training for their electronic devices.  These devices included:

    • Thermal Imaging Cameras
    • Thermal Detection Guns
    • Gas Meters
    • Voltage Detection Decives
    • PASS Alarms'

    hallway.jpg.de26fe393d63e4113ad6fea7665b442a.jpgMembers where able to not only detect heat sources in a building, but where also able to see in the dark using our thermal imaging camera.  This device can be used for a huge range of situations including structure fires, smoke alarms, search and rescue, vehicle problems, and much more.

    heat_gun.jpg.afdbbb432dbe72b744967b435b828cb2.jpgWe were also able to test out our thermal detection gun and successfully found multiple heat sources in a building.

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